Uncovered: Life Beyond
Join the conversations of Rebecca and Naomi, two ex-Amish Mennonite women who jumped the proverbial fence in their younger years and later experienced college as first-gen, non-traditional students. They discuss pursuing formal education while raising a family, navigating the hidden curriculum of academia, and other dimensions of reimagining a life beyond high-demand religion. Send your questions to uncoveredlifebeyond@gmail.com.
Podcasting since 2023 • 50 episodes
Uncovered: Life Beyond
Latest Episodes
50. Mentorship Over Status: Credentials Aren’t the Prize— Uplifting Others Is (with special guest Rebekah Mui)
We're proud to introduce our friend, Rebekah Mui, who has traveled around the world in pursuit of education and more authentic faith expressions. Using her recent Facebook post as a point of departure, we discuss the role of mentorship in acade...
Episode 50

49. Cheesy Potatoes and Collaboration: Turning Religious Roots into Real-World Impact
This episode is a call to reframe our past experiences in high-demand religious communities (especially those of Anabaptist origin) as preparation for meaningful action in our world today. Hosts Naomi and Rebecca explore the significance ...
Episode 49

48. From the Martyr's Mirror to Manifest Destiny: Have Anabaptists Kept the Headship Order but Lost the Two Kingdoms?
In today’s episode, we explore the shifting beliefs within Anabaptism against the backdrop of growing Christian nationalism. We reflect on our own journeys, the influence of childhood literature, and the need for active compassion towards margi...
Episode 48

47. When Passive-Aggressive is Your First Language: Moving on from Manipulation
Join us as we share recent personal wins and take on a listener question about dealing with passive-aggressive communication. We discuss reasons why direct communication can feel so difficult for some of us and how we can learn to do it anyway....
Episode 47

46. Unpacking Baggage: 6 Truths for Healing Religious Harm
What advice would we give our younger, deconstructing selves if we could go back in time a decade or two? Join us, Rebecca and Naomi, as we reflect on the process of discovering ourselves beyond the confines of a prescribed religious identity. ...
Episode 46

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